Basic Uniform:
All members are required to have their basic uniform and kit within one calendar year of their joining the unit. loaner uniforms and equipment can be used upon request.

Feldbluse: (Tunic)
Heer pattern M-42 and M-43 Feldbluse will be the Unit standard. Tunic Insignia will consist of:
Generic or Mouse Grey Litzen.
Mid war Jäger light green shoulder straps.
field grey breast eagle
Jäger Unit sleeve patch

Hosen: (Trousers)
M-40 or M-43 pattern trousers will be the unit standard.

Heereshemd: (service shirt)
all unit members shall wear field-gray shirt (with or without collars or pockets). Heereshemd shall be manufactured in cotton, wool, or rayon as period appropriate.

Mütze: (hat)
Unit members are authorized to wear the M38 or M42 “Schiffen” (overseas cap) or the M43 Einheitsfeldmütze (billed field cap). All Mütze shall have appropriate insignia. Einheitsfeldmütze shall have Jäger oak leaf pin.

Stiefel: (boots)
All unit members shall wear Schnürschuhe (lace-up low boots) and Gemaschen (gaiters). Marschstiefel (Marching boots) are authorized for walking out and parade duties only.

Gürtel: (belt)
Enlisted members Black leather or cotton/tropical type. Koppelschloβ: (belt buckle)
Heer buckles shall be aluminum pebble or smooth steel feldgrau in color. Originals or approved reproductions are authorized.

Stahlhelm: (steel helmet)
All unit members are required to wear a Stahlhelm.It may be an original shell or an approved reproduction/post war model in models M-35, M-40, and M-42. A Stahlhelm must have the correct shade of feldgrau paint.