Basic Kit:
All members are required to have their basic uniform and kit within one calendar year of their joining the unit. loaner uniforms and equipment can be used upon request. All items must be approved before use, for authenticity. Members using Cotton/Tropical field gear will integrate these items with leather gear. No member will have all tropical kit. The following is a list for a basic Rifleman:

Gürtel (belt):
Enlisted members Black leather or cotton/tropical type. Koppelschloβ (belt buckle)
Heer buckles shall be aluminum pebble or smooth steel feldgrau in color. Originals or approved reproduction are authorized.

Patronentasche (ammunition pouches): Patronentasche must be black, pebble grain, 1935 pattern for Mauser rifles. Two pouches are to be worn for duty by all enlisted members

Brotbeutel (breadbag): Brotbeutel shall be a Wehrmacht pattern in olive green or khaki -brown color.

Verankerungswerkzeug und Träger (Etool-and carrier):
Period correct Wehrmacht style entrenching tool either straight or folding type. Octagonal handled types are not authorized.

Seitengewehr (bayonet): All members carrying a 98k, will be required to carry a 98k bayonet with matching scabbard. originals or arrpoved repros excepted.

Seitengewehrschuhe (bayonet frog):
All unit members carrying a Mauser rifle on duty shall wear carry a Seitengewehr with a black leather Seitengewehrschuhe on his belt. Cotton/tropical Seitengewehrschuhe are only authorized for field duty.

Gasmaske Dose (gasmask can):
Wehrmacht pattern original or approved reproduction Gasmaske Dose are authorized. “Dose” will be worn according to Wehrmacht Regulations. Gas-mask is optional.

Y-Remien (Y-straps):
Black leather or Cotton Tropical Y-Remien are authorized for use. Originals or reproductions authorized by unit staff.

Feldflasche must include cup and appropriate cover. Becker (cup) shall be either be black plastic type or metal.

Kochgeschirr (mess kit):
All unit members shall possess an original Reichswehr or Wehrmacht Kochgeschirr or approved NVA Kochgeschirr. No large West German models are permitted.

All unit members shall are acquire two original or approved reproduction Zeltplane to assemble a Zeltbahn (tent) with another unit member.

Mauser K98:
All unit members shall acquire a K98. any date manufactured is accepted. Yugo M48 Mausers are not authorized.